Brand Builders - Establishing Your Brand’s Voice

Welcome to "Brand Builders," a weekly series dedicated to entrepreneurs, marketers, and creatives who aspire to craft impactful brands. Whether you’re a startup founder, a small business owner, or a marketing professional, this series will provide insights and strategies to articulate a clear brand mission, create resonant content, and build a loyal audience. Each post will dive into different aspects of brand building, from establishing a distinctive voice to leveraging digital platforms effectively. Let’s explore the art and science of transforming a brand from an idea into a powerhouse.

In today's crowded marketplace, a distinct and consistent brand voice stands out. It’s not just what you say but how you say it that shapes your brand’s identity and influences how your audience perceives and engages with you. I believe your story is your brand and vice-versa. I find that makes it easier to cut through a lot of the jargon that gets associated with marketing talk.

Why a Brand Voice Matters
Your brand’s voice is the personality you convey in all your communications. It helps to build a connection with your audience, conveying not only what you stand for but also how you view the world. Whether professional, friendly, authoritative, or playful, your brand voice should naturally reflect your values and mission.

Defining Your Brand Voice

  1. Understand Your Core Values: Start by revisiting your mission statement. What are the core values that drive your business? Your voice should reflect these values consistently.

  2. Know Your Audience: Who are you talking to? Understanding your audience’s preferences, pain points, and expectations will help you tailor a voice that resonates with them deeply.

  3. Analyze Your Current Communications: Look at your existing content. What tone and style do you use? Is it consistent? Does it reflect how you want to be perceived? This analysis can reveal gaps between your current voice and your desired tone.

  4. Create Voice Guidelines: Develop guidelines that detail your brand voice's do's and don’ts. Include examples of words to use and avoid and the overall tone that should be aimed for in different types of communication.

Examples and Tips

  • If your brand values approachability and friendliness, use a conversational tone. Think of how you would explain a concept to a friend.

  • For authority and professionalism, maintain a polished and informative tone, using data and well-researched information to back up claims.

Pixar's Brand Voice Characteristics

1. Playful and Imaginative: Pixar's brand voice is filled with wonder and play. They consistently communicate in a way that appeals to children and adults, making their stories and characters relatable and engaging across a wide age range.

2. Inspirational and Aspirational: Every Pixar film aims to inspire and provoke thought, whether through imaginative scenarios, deep emotional journeys, or moral lessons. Their brand voice promotes the idea that creativity can change the world, encouraging viewers to dream big and think creatively.

3. Emotionally Rich: Pixar is renowned for its ability to weave complex emotional narratives that resonate deeply with audiences. Their communication emphasizes the emotional impact of their storytelling, showcasing their commitment to crafting stories that speak to the heart.

4. Inclusive and Diverse: Reflecting a broad spectrum of experiences and cultures in their films, Pixar’s voice is inclusive, aiming to tell stories everyone can see themselves in. This inclusivity extends to their external communications, where they often highlight their diverse team and community initiatives.

Examples from Pixar's Communication

Educational Initiatives: Pixar offers free online resources through platforms like Khan Academy (Pixar in a Box), where they teach storytelling and animation techniques. This not only strengthens their brand as leaders in animation but also supports their voice of inspiring creativity and sharing knowledge.

Behind-the-Scenes Content: Pixar frequently releases behind-the-scenes content that details their creative processes. These insights celebrate their innovative culture and demystify the animation process, making it accessible and inspiring for aspiring creators.

Marketing and Promotions: When promoting their films, Pixar focuses on the story and characters rather than just the technical achievements. Their trailers, interviews, and promotional materials are designed to connect emotionally with the audience, highlighting the universal themes and rich narratives of their movies.

Pixar's consistent use of a creative, inclusive, and emotionally engaging brand voice not only promotes their films but also builds a strong, lasting relationship with their audience. This approach has made them a beloved brand globally, admired not just for their technical prowess in animation but more so for their storytelling and values.

Now, it doesn’t hurt that they are a multi-billion dollar company. But that’s because we know them now. In his book Creativity, Inc., Ed Catmull talks about the early days of Pixar, especially when they weren’t making money and with few resources hoping to land commercials to show off their revolutionary computer graphics. It’s this Pixar we should be thinking about when trying to compare ourselves - before the global giant arose.

Remember this: Establishing a strong brand voice isn’t just about choosing the right words; it’s about making a lasting connection with your audience. Consistency in your voice reassures your audience of who you are and what you stand for, making your brand heard and felt.


Comms Coach: Communication Audit


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